
How old is your dog in human years?

The onset of old age can occur between 5 and 10 years for most dogs, depending on heredity. If your pet is a small breed, she probably won't show signs of aging until she's at least 9. Spaniels and other medium-sized breeds enter their geriatric years around age 7 or 8, while giant breeds (St. Bernard and Great Danes) as early as age 5.

Over the years people have said that each year of a dog's life is equal seven human years. Scientists now feel that this is not a really accurate comparison particularly in the first few years of a dogs life. Below is a chart that gives a more accurate comparison to make when you wonder how your dog's chronological age compares to human years.

Dog's Age
5 Months
8 Months
10 Months
12 Months
18 Months
2 Years
3 Years
4 Years
5 Years
6 Years
7 Years
8 Years
9 Years
10 Years
11 Years
12 Years
13 Years
14 Years
15 Years
Human Age
10 Years
13 Years
14.5 Years
16 Years
20 Years
24 Years
28 Years
32 Years
36 Years
40 Years
44 Years
48 Years
52 Years
56 Years
60 Years
64 Years
68 Years
72 Years
76 Years

Continue to add 4 human years for each year of the dog's life.

When are dogs considered geriatric AND likely
to manifest problems associated with aging?

- Small Dogs (less than 20 pounds) 11.5 years (+/-1.9)
- Medium sized Dogs (21-50 pounds) 10.2 years (+/-1.6)
- Large Dogs (51-90 pounds) 8.9 years (+/-1.4)
- Giant Dogs (more than 90 pounds) 7.5 years (+/-1.3)

Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook

From this "must have" book -
Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook

by Delbert G. Carlson, James M. Giffin